
Specialist Sector

Financial Services

Financial services businesses operate in a complex environment which has become very heavily regulated and is often changing. Shipleys’ specialist team help companies meet the regulatory requirements and stay current with the latest developments.

The number of funds under management in the UK has increased in the last ten years from around 200,000 to over 600,000 and some do not have in-house compliance expertise.

Smaller investors and family offices often seek structures which are tax friendly and meet all the regulations, but which do not cost a fortune to run.

Larger fund managers are under increasing pressure to demonstrate efficient fund administration and pursuit of sensible cost saving opportunities. At the same time, they need to attract and retain a team which can consistently deliver good results.

How we help

We help our financial services clients meet their regulatory obligations and remain current with the latest legislation. For some, we are ‘hands-on’, highlighting deadlines and helping to ensure they are met. For others, we offer additional help to overcome problems which may arise. Flexibility and experience are key.

Our role is not just about having the industry knowledge and experience to carry out efficient fund audits and tax compliance. We also:

We have a specialist team who look after funds and Financial Services businesses such as authorised corporate directors, corporate directors, unit trust managers, fund managers, investment advisers and other intermediaries. 

Our proven track record and positive reputation mean we currently audit around 90 investment funds with net assets of around £4bn. These funds specialise in areas including fixed income, equities and derivatives.

We also publish a regular Financial Services Update bulletin with the latest news and developments for the sector.  You can find copies on this page in the financial resources section.

Can we help?

If you would like to discuss how we can help your organisation, please contact one of our team of specialists shown on this page.

“Shipleys is a good auditor, known in the city and well-known for its entrepreneurial spirit.”

Peter Richards
Chairman of Venture Pilot

How Can We Help?

Want easier ways to manage your accounts? Got a tricky question about tax? Looking to grow your business? Get in touch and our team of experts will help.
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