
Business Tax

Basis period change can bring cash flow challenges
July 26, 2024
It’s now compulsory for unincorporated businesses to conform to new income tax basis period rules – a change that could significantly impact cash flow for some.
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Changes for research and development tax breaks
April 22, 2024
A brief breakdown of what to be aware of given the changes to research and development (R&D) tax relief.
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Chancellor’s Budget Summary – March 2024
March 7, 2024
Sweetening a pre-election public - just how many sweet treats did Jeremy Hunt serve up for personal and business finances?
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Salary vs dividend – which is now best for business owners?
May 5, 2023
Changes to corporation tax and dividend allowances raise questions about Directors' tax-efficient remuneration. This article explores the options.
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What was revealed in The Treasury’s Tax Administration and Maintenance Day
May 3, 2023
A round up of some of the key areas likely to have a direct impact on tax planning in the months and years ahead.
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Transfer pricing rules – size doesn’t matter
April 28, 2023
UK businesses could be mistaken in thinking they’re too small to fall foul of transfer pricing rules.
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Making the most of tax allowances to fuel business growth
April 5, 2023
If your business is ready to grow there are a number of tax allowances to support the journey
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Research & Development Tax Reliefs
April 3, 2023
A overview of Research and Development (R&D) relief which encourages companies to work on innovative projects in technology and science
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Chancellor’s Budget Summary – March 2023
March 16, 2023
Steadying the ship - how will Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's Budget to stabilise the economy affect you or your business?
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Warning for companies about their ATED valuations
March 16, 2023
HMRC is alerting companies to re-check the valuations for their annual tax on enveloped dwellings (ATED) liabilities for residential property.
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Structures and Buildings Allowance (SBA)
March 10, 2023
SBAs give a 3% annual tax relief for the cost of constructing new non-residential structures and buildings and new conversions or renovations
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Corporation tax rate rise implications
December 13, 2022
There's a new 25% corporation tax rate on the horizon, along with the return of marginal rates and associated companies.
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Business as usual for off-payroll working rules
October 19, 2022
Off-payroll working rules which took effect on 6 April 2021 are remaining
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Using PSAs for more tax efficient employee entertainment benefits
September 21, 2022
An increase in staff social and training events could mean employees pay more tax – but employers can pick up the bill if they use a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA).
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How unapproved share options are taxed
May 26, 2022
Unapproved share option plans can be used by employers to reward those who help grow the business (including those not eligible for HMRC-approved options like the Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme). Here we explain their tax implications.
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Revised tax period rules for unincorporated businesses
May 9, 2022
Unincorporated businesses are due to enter their first taxable period under new basis period tax rules, potentially impacting on cash flow for some.
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5 Misunderstandings about IR35
April 2, 2022
New off-payroll working rules have been in place since April 2021, but there has been confusion about what they mean. Here we clear up five common misunderstandings as HMRC gets tougher with penalties.
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Tax change should help keep cameras rolling
December 14, 2021
A change to film tax relief (FTR) will introduce welcome flexibility around the qualification rules and continue to foster the UK’s thriving TV and film production industry.
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Chancellor’s Budget Summary – October 2021
October 28, 2021
Rebuilding the fragile economy - how will the Chancellor's October 2021 Budget affect you and your business?
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Potential changes to basis periods’ rules
September 27, 2021
The Government is planning to change the current rules for basis periods. The move would affect self-employed individuals, partners, trusts and estates with trading income.
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More broadcast industry workers qualify for self-employed status
May 25, 2021
A list of behind-the-camera roles in the film and TV industry that qualify a worker for self-employed status has been updated
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Are tax breaks a green light for more electric company cars?
April 9, 2021
With climate change and air pollution some businesses are making the switch to 'greener' company cars
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Off-payroll Working
March 18, 2021
Changes to off-payroll (IR35) rules in the private sector took effect from 6 April 2021
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Winter 2020 Tax Briefs
December 15, 2020
Our tax specialists give a round up of the latest news and changes
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VAT Payments on Account – what to do if Coronavirus has affected your business
June 23, 2020
Businesses adversely affected by Coronavirus may find their VAT Payments on Account scheme doesn't relfect their current trading position.
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How Can We Help?

Want easier ways to manage your accounts? Got a tricky question about tax? Looking to grow your business? Get in touch and our team of experts will help.
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